This page provides you with a comprehensive list of hotels and lodges featured on this website, arranged by name, price, location or rating. Chile
It is very hard to rank Chile lodges with one simple measure! But we have tried, and herewith an explanation of our system.
Our ranking is subjective (it is the office consensus, after much arguing), and tries to reflect value for money as well as overall quality. Therefore we may award just three stars to certain 'five star' lodges in the hotel tick-box sense, or five stars to some superb, unashamed 'three star' accommodation that consistently provides superb quality experiences for the price.
Our ranking is subjective (it is the office consensus, after much arguing), and tries to reflect value for money as well as overall quality. Therefore we may award just three stars to certain 'five star' lodges in the hotel tick-box sense, or five stars to some superb, unashamed 'three star' accommodation that consistently provides superb quality experiences for the price.
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Stella Australis - Chilean Patagonia

A voyage deep through the fjords and glaciers of Patagonia on the luxury Stella Australis is a beautiful way to see this dramatic and remote part of planet earth. This classy vessel will take you through the Strait of Magellan, the Beagle Channel and stops daily for further discovery of the harsh environments.
Cost: $$$$
The Aubrey - Santiago

The Aubrey is a charming boutique hotel that blends history with modern comforts. Perfectly located in the Bellavista neighbourhood of Chile, this hotel is ideal for those that prefer smaller hotels, but without sacrificing any comfort or attention to detail.
Cost: $$$
The Singular Patagonia - Patagonia
The Singular Patagonia is a unique and first class property that was formerly an abattoir before being turned into a majestic lodge that combines the national heritage with modern luxuries and a style like no other in this great wilderness in southern Chile.
Cost: $$$$$
The Singular Santiago - Santiago

An elegant addition to the Lastarria neighborhood, the Singular Santiago is renouned for it's stylish neo-classical architecture and blends seemlessly into it's culturally rich and historical surroundings.
Cost: $$$
Tierra Atacama - Atacama

Tierra Atacama Hotel & Spa is an amazing lodge situated very close to the small village of San Pedro de Atacama in northern Chile. Whilst here you can explore this unique landscape and relax at a top class lodge with strong eco credentials.
Cost: $$$$
Tierra Patagonia - Patagonia

Client Rating:

Cost: $$$$
VIK Chile - Santiago

VIK Chile is a first class winery and a sumptuous luxury hotel situated in the Milahue Valley, a couple of hours away from Santiago.
Cost: $$$$$