This page provides you with a comprehensive list of hotels and lodges featured on this website, arranged by name, price, location or rating. Peru
It is very hard to rank Peru lodges with one simple measure! But we have tried, and herewith an explanation of our system.
Our ranking is subjective (it is the office consensus, after much arguing), and tries to reflect value for money as well as overall quality. Therefore we may award just three stars to certain 'five star' lodges in the hotel tick-box sense, or five stars to some superb, unashamed 'three star' accommodation that consistently provides superb quality experiences for the price.
Our ranking is subjective (it is the office consensus, after much arguing), and tries to reflect value for money as well as overall quality. Therefore we may award just three stars to certain 'five star' lodges in the hotel tick-box sense, or five stars to some superb, unashamed 'three star' accommodation that consistently provides superb quality experiences for the price.
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Belmond Miraflores Park - Lima
Belmond Miraflores Park is a prestigious, classic luxury hotel with a heated rooftop pool overlooking the Pacific Ocean and the upmarket district of Miraflores, where you will find the best Peruvian restaurants.
Cost: $$$$

The Casa Andina Private Collection Lima is a contemporary option located in the heart of the cosmopolitan neighbourhood of Miraflores. This essentially business and professional hotel is a good quality, comfortable option by one of Peru's leading hotel chains.
Cost: $$$
Casa Andina Private Collection Puno - Lake Titicaca

The Casa Andina Private Collection Puno hotel is all about the location. It is a very well positioned and comfortable option located directly on the shores of Lake Titicaca where the superior rooms have views out over the lake.
Cost: $$$$
Delfin I - Peru

The refined and beautiful Delfin I is the most glamorous, spacious and luxurious of all the boats in the Delfin fleet that cruise down the Amazon.
Cost: $$$$
Delfin II - Peru

The Delfin II is an extremely comfortable Amazon exploration vessel with capacity for 30 passengers.
Cost: $$$$
Delfin III - Peru

A luxurious and elegant boat that cruises deep into the biodiverse Pacaya Samiria Reserve in northern Peru, Iquitos.The Delfin III has capacity for 42 passengers.
Cost: $$$$
El Albergue Ollantaytambo - Sacred Valley

El Albergue Ollantaytambo is an economical and charming family-run hotel in the Inca village of Ollantaytambo. This hotel is very well run, and is built around a beautiful green garden, bustling with a variety of endemic birds.
Cost: $$$