This page provides you with a comprehensive list of hotels and lodges featured on this website, arranged by name, price, location or rating. Peru
It is very hard to rank Peru lodges with one simple measure! But we have tried, and herewith an explanation of our system.
Our ranking is subjective (it is the office consensus, after much arguing), and tries to reflect value for money as well as overall quality. Therefore we may award just three stars to certain 'five star' lodges in the hotel tick-box sense, or five stars to some superb, unashamed 'three star' accommodation that consistently provides superb quality experiences for the price.
Our ranking is subjective (it is the office consensus, after much arguing), and tries to reflect value for money as well as overall quality. Therefore we may award just three stars to certain 'five star' lodges in the hotel tick-box sense, or five stars to some superb, unashamed 'three star' accommodation that consistently provides superb quality experiences for the price.
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Explora Sacred Valley - Sacred Valley

The newly-opened property is located on a corn plantation close to the small town of Urquillos. Explora Sacred Valley brings the luxurious Explora brand to the Sacred Valley of the Incas, offering a sumptuous and multi activity stay.
Cost: $$$$$
Hacienda Concepcion - Peruvian Amazon

Hacienda Concepcion is a 45 minute boat ride from the port of Puerto Maldonado, located close to the Tambopata National Reserve. This friendly lodge is a super place at which to base yourself while your guide introduces you to the flora and fauna of the biodiverse region.
Cost: $$$
Hotel B - Lima

Client Rating:

Cost: $$$$
Katari - Arequipa

This contemporary boutique hotel is in the main plaza with a tremendous roof top bar that overlooks the city to the snow-capped volcanoes beyond.
Cost: $$$
Killawasi Lodge - Colca Canyon

Killawasi lodge is a super friendly and economically priced hotel located in one of the most stunning locations in Peru. This is a simpler hotel, but it is clean, comfortable and charming, with a real Peruvian feel.
Cost: $$
La Casona - Cuzco

La Casona is the original and the best! This boutique hotel was formerly a 16th century colonial manor, and it is perfect for those seeking an intimate experience in a gorgeous setting that pays homage to the past, combined with all the mod cons required to make your stay feel luxurious and extremely comfortable.
Cost: $$$$