This page provides you with a comprehensive list of hotels and lodges featured on this website, arranged by name, price, location or rating. Antarctica
It is very hard to rank Antarctica lodges with one simple measure! But we have tried, and herewith an explanation of our system.
Our ranking is subjective (it is the office consensus, after much arguing), and tries to reflect value for money as well as overall quality. Therefore we may award just three stars to certain 'five star' lodges in the hotel tick-box sense, or five stars to some superb, unashamed 'three star' accommodation that consistently provides superb quality experiences for the price.
Our ranking is subjective (it is the office consensus, after much arguing), and tries to reflect value for money as well as overall quality. Therefore we may award just three stars to certain 'five star' lodges in the hotel tick-box sense, or five stars to some superb, unashamed 'three star' accommodation that consistently provides superb quality experiences for the price.
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Ortelius -

Ortelius is a simple expedition ship that is very competitively priced. For those that will do anything to get to Antarctica then this is a very competitively priced, decent boat worth considering.
Cost: $$$$
Plancius -

The Plancius is a good quality expedition ship that has been refitted after over 30 years as a Dutch Navy vessel. The Plancius is more than adequate for those searching for a good quality, yet not luxurious, ship to explore the White Continent in.
Cost: $$$$$
RCGS Resolute - Antarctica

The RCGS Resolute (Royal Canadian Geographical Society) is a beautiful and modern ship that was purpose built in Finland in 1993 for the conditions of Antarctica. This ship is a good option that combines adventures with high levels of comforts.
Cost: $$$$$
White Desert - Antarctica

An extremelly exciting new luxury adventure where you fly from Cape Town and get to experience Antarctica in four short days.
Cost: $$$$$
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